Create An Account

It's quick and easy. Sign up today for online access to your Weed Man account. Check your scheduled services, view your account balance or check out your local weather forecast. You must be a current or previous Weed Man customer to gain online access. If you've never received our services but are interested in learning more about Weed Man, please contact your local Weed Man provider. Once you’ve submitted your request for an online account, an e-mail verification will be sent to you. If the confirmation e-mail does not appear in your inbox, please be sure and check your spam or junk folder. Thank you for your business.

This portal is for current customers. If you would like to become a Weed Man customer, please click here to get a FREE lawn care quote.

Create a Customer Login Account
Customer Number: Please enter your customer number including all letters, numbers, and dashes.
Where do I find this?
House Number:
Phone Number: ( ) -
Verify Email:
Password: Passwords must be 6 - 12 characters and
include at least one number and one letter.
Verify Password:
  Create Account